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Sunday, January 29

Exhibition & Miscellaneous

I've been really bad at updating my blog and website at the minute because of all the deadlines going on, so attempting to counteract this by actually posting something. Once the deadline is handed in on the 6th of February and the exhibition is over (Februray 6th - 10th) then I'm going to update both with some new things and give them an image overhaul.

These past two weeks i've been working on some typographic treatments for my exhibition piece which is to rebrand our campus. The exhibition counts for 50% of the module so I really want it to be interactive and allow the user to add to the piece. On friday night I ordered some stickers and postcards to be used within the exhibition and hopefully just make it something people can have fun with. As of yet nothing had been properly printed for the exhibition so I only have some screen shots of the designs or rubbish print out versions. These are some of screenshots of things I have been working on which will hopefully look better screen printed on thick recycled card.

These actual designs are part of a series of seven postcards that will be sent out to design agencies as promotional pieces inviting them to Kingsway Gallery. Ideally I would of loved to get them screen printed to get that great texture and richness screen printing allows but time constraints means I had to just use the four colour printing process.

These are some examples of the stickers that will be used within the exhibition. The concept behind these were to promote a sense of positivity and interaction between the range of courses at Kingsway Campus. When the stickers arrive I am going to have about 100, so will probably end up with them just everywhere.

There are plenty more projects I am in the middle of right now so need to keep updating this blog with things i'm doing; working on branding, working on "live briefs" and trying to get more "live" work also dissertations, packaging, presentations and eating a lot of timeouts.